Night of Apollo was an overwhelming success. The evening exceeded the vision we had for our students, and the opportunity to showcase their hard work and how far they have come in just ten months. We are so proud of the class of 2016.
Night of Apollo was as much about celebrating the success of our 2015/2016 Education Program as it was about elevating illFX Education to new heights and solidifying the strong future of our program.
We can’t wait any longer, without further ado [Insert drum roll here]
Night of Apollo raised $3,941.
Thank you to everyone who attended the event, to each one of our sponsors and partners who made it all possible. We are overwhelmed by the generosity and support we have received.
Launching illFX MOVE with the injection of just under $4,000 will make immense strides in our crusade to bring equal opportunity to dancers in our community. We will be announcing our bursary recipients come September as our 2016/2017 program kicks-off.
Together we are building a strong future for our next generation of dancers.