We are looking for talented, passionate, enthusiastic dancers for our competitive program who are willing to work HARD! Our auditions consist of a placement class where you will learn a short piece of choreography and then run it in groups. We will film each group dancing the combination and then cast dancers into teams or ‘crews' based on age, skill level, style and personality. We do our absolute best to find the right placement for every dancer so just come dance and have fun!

If you are looking for a recreational program with no choreography or performance expectations, please check out our Kids Classes and Specialized Training Program!


2025/26 Season Auditions

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Join Apollo!

Our Apollo Crew meets once a week from April - June leading up to their performance at our Year-End Show Night of Apollo!

illFX MOVE Bursary Program

The illFX Bursary Program is a sustainable sponsorship program that provides bursaries for students who would otherwise be unable to afford the cost of enrolment.